18 February 2009

Playing myself in a full length feature: Part 1

I've accepted the role: Harold Gets to Work On Time

A positively dynamic characterization of a pessimistic and panicked (mostly) dark situational dramedy about a boy learning about how "to live on the far perimeter of a world that might have been" (H.S.Thompson). Harold (Hal Hardy)grew up quickly into a world of contrasts and enigmas. Sprung out of the Generation of Love, his family and friends were only beginning once again to see the space in which Harold lived. Mel (Melanie Strang-Hardy) and an ensemble cast of all stars and extras round out this poignant look at what to spear 'it' is, through a half beaten soul, body out of step, and a mind out of time.

Heart warming and mind bending, this movie is a taste of what life can be when no prisoners are taken and no one steps off the fine line.