American Constitution Renewed: Permits and Allowances
We the people, have conceded, in order to form a more perfect union. Given of ourselves and our histories for our unique and universal futures and still wait for permission to live and act in the ways that we know we should live and act.
The time has come that the understanding of what we are waiting for has been among us and within reach for all time and that only by opening our own eyes may we see these truths. Through the study of religion, science, markets and thought itself, ascension is possible.
Through the knowledge that available technologies are available, comprehension that the methods and systems we've wished to understand are discernible and decipherable, and the awareness of actions which we wish to take have retained their shape and strengths for these days to be discussed, considered, implemented and supported.
No longer shall peace require permission, and no longer shall inequity be allowed to walk hand in hand with time in the light of our compassion and comprehension of life on Earth today.
The time has come that the understanding of what we are waiting for has been among us and within reach for all time and that only by opening our own eyes may we see these truths. Through the study of religion, science, markets and thought itself, ascension is possible.
Through the knowledge that available technologies are available, comprehension that the methods and systems we've wished to understand are discernible and decipherable, and the awareness of actions which we wish to take have retained their shape and strengths for these days to be discussed, considered, implemented and supported.
No longer shall peace require permission, and no longer shall inequity be allowed to walk hand in hand with time in the light of our compassion and comprehension of life on Earth today.