13 February 2008

6?/6!/IXs Beware of the scare

A note on the Mayan Calender and what 2012 is about, a little.

"In addition to this year [unknown reference year], the Transit will re-occur again on June 6th, 2012. The year 2012 stands out in South American lore [Lore is a database management system (DBMS) for XML. The Lore executables are available for public use. Stanford University] as the culmination of the Mayan calendar, and Venus is associated with Quetzal Coatl, the Mayan Christ figure who roamed the earth in AD 40."

"Transits of Venus are associated with huge leaps forward in human knowledge."

Found from
and copied without express permission from http://www.breakfornews.com/

All this is of interest to cross reference and dose with a healthy pinch of salt. It leads to wonder again.
What are we doing here? And where are we going?

I can't imagine some of the prophecies coming about, although shit happens. And whether it's a 9 headed beast from the depths according to the good book or a more "natural" disaster, we should learn and do what we are feel and think.

At the same time. No scare tactics will be found on my site so just relax and trust that it is what it is.

Read and learned alike about 2012 at www.calleman.com and learn about yourself and others with http://www.mayanmajix.com/TZOLKIN/index.php where you can enter your birth DAY meaning if you were born before sunrise you birth date is the DAY before.