Key Ping the Peace: I-ching the Priests
An answer to the insanity I see may be to teach the teachers: From the streets to the schools and the kennel to the homes, from the church and the thrones: there's links in a Scott's Ancient Near East Drone (SANED).
Teachers go to school with varying levels of understanding. My qualm is the system of subjects and topics of unjust are typically historical and rhetorical, while not without merit, fail to open the parachute of the mind in any manner which is foreign or unreckognizable :) to the teacher 'him' self. Thereby diluting the lesson to the point where sparks cause no burning.
Now my parents were both teachers, my grandmothers, stepmother and oldest sister too. I'm very appreciative of the guides in my family and through school, civic associations and even the cross burners too. Yet, I am repelled and attracted by The Way the World Works (Wanniski) from business to politics, and education to graduation; I wanted more guidance, more comprehensive comprehension. In school it already seemed one needed to fight for permission to complain. And the resolution, solving disagreements by the well established ruler, can make one drive one another insane.
The lessons inculcate, with or without the books and computers, but the mind needs to calculate for itself the value of information, the presentation and most of all these days, what it is that we are doing with our lives. Rousseau sowed the seeds of a revolution, let us eat the fruits.
My experiences in school and church, at nuclear protests (as a baby?) and on the street LEFT little time to consider emotional and spiritual development, let alone economic and self development. If a fraction of the time and energy that is currently put on testing and producing, focused on developing the individual, I believe we would more easily reckognize that life gives you the test first, and then comes the lesson. The job is to learn the lessons.
So I still strive to live life backwards from what is typically the norm. First "old" age, where you sit and watch, laugh and cry. Then at maturity where you understand life is pretty simple. Next addressing learning and teaching, treating others, raising kids and developing multifaceted relationships, simply complex at times. And only then, tackle the hecklers and ignorance of mans' mind, and tune up the strings of the dynamic patterns of establishment.
So ping your own self as a computer pings its self. Step away from the time of day or forecasts of probabilities, to a place of possibilities and moments that stay.
Teach the teachers that Grier's Theory of Living Systems is more than a subject for analysis and that general ed topics do include balancing budgets, civil rights and things out of sight. Most of all the ideas that once protected "US", like separation of church and state, and no taxation without representation, while not needing to be re-writ do need re-form. When priests are pedophiles, and Uncle Sam invests in my debt, dog are born to fight, then you know something ain't RIGHT.
Now if the peace can't be kept
unless the keys ring no more,
all the misled will be found dead
behind the gate's locked door.
And we'll find our self stagnant
in worries that bore,
and only gate keepers
that knead breads and heads
will know the score.
With out the key
the little and big that be,
lie gored on the floor, looking for an oar
to help them reach the core that's in store,
but instead given a paddle
and taught fear of the battle.
The highest mission of law and enforcement, keyping the peace, will now require an involved and evolved blend of bland reason with deeper reasoning to season. If you're against regulation of marriage and sex, good times bad, find your way to the end list of S.A.D., before out comes a child who thinks Bush is bad. Let hair gROW where hair will GO and calculate the amount you concentrate on other PEOPLE's interest. There you'll find the barber whom cuts hair less has a mess enough left to turn into a nest.
But base economic growth on competition and margins, and find borders and walls to all the glorious gardens. So put energy to use for purpose and truth, there you'll find your life and the fruit's juice to boot.