Ex's and Why's : Sometimes Lie
On hearing that a good political Delaware blog has recently gone down, I offer my condolences and self and continue to stand up to the racism, oppression and mismanagement of life.
So, it's official I am involved. Still innocent, I plan to see the steps that would prove my self guilty and lead to an end that is worthy of beginning.
I am just excited to be bridging some ideas really. I was happy to gently tell a CEO of a Delaware building / development company (1.) He is not all right and (2.) I want to talk more about business and less about politics.
It started when I read last Saturday's paper, today. The Comments section had Delaware Voice Stephen Mockbee, president and CEO of Bancroft Construction Co., inquire Why can't America fight back against all of its enemies?
Seen online here: http://www.delawareonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080802/OPINION07/808020313/1108
My reply to the News Journal and Mockbee was maybe lengthy but I sent them both a copy. I wanted to pay my respects and give fair notice that a public retort was on its way, as well as the provide the newspaper a chance to publish some good news.
So I'll also publish it my self just in case the weird weather of Delaware blows it by, and so that you may read it here with a little more ease of vision.
Yes We Can?
In regards to Stephen Mockbee's question this past weekend: "Why can't America fight back against all its enemies?" I'll just quote one of my father's last songs, "It ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun"; a statement to his friends and public that would hit home without out no collateral damage.
We are a nation that is divided from within with Americans in opposition to America and confusion on what being an American means. We Americans have also opposed any other power by default and to the point of creating our own enemies through our economic strength, military might and stubbornness that the U.S. is the "best country in America" a direct quote from one of the only times I went to a rodeo.
It's my contention that the goal is not to be the strongest nation but simply to be a nation. One where prosperity is obtainable and fear is again the only thing to fear.
Mockbee argues justly to "...Wake up..." but got many other points misdirected and off base. The war on terrorism does have an end in sight: Exactly the moment when the opposition sits at the table, to be heard and considered equally along with the majority.
Mockbee also used the word control fifteen times: Control of corporations, resources, economies, religion, destiny, even world control. This level of control is possible but is this really what is desired? The amount of sacrifice is just too high. Include the gambles we take with Iraq and any battle: economic stability, future economies, land, resources, lives, education and vision, a price I for one am not willing to pay. These things we sacrifices in the name of control or power are our partners. We invest in foreign markets, share common interest in undeveloped renewable resources, calculate potential interests in futures, help foreign and domestic children's children, build schools and breath life back into idealism. All partners that help light the path to a world at peace.
Basing policy on vision is another of Mockbee's points. But that's what leaders are supposed to do. We already have a policy with vision, the Constitution!
But, if the vision is unclear, listen to the supposed opposition and help to non violently and without hostility, takeover the reigns of the ships that once sailed away from taxation without representation to a place where freedoms may thrive. And do this before all those who disagree with the current spending on war and subsidies find it necessary to leave and thereby create a new tax base in other lands.
When atrocities occur, see how they relate to our policy. Do we want to continue to promote our way of life as millions more take the same path and "rise" to our way of life and standard of living?
I for one am interested in weathering this storm. I believe it will bring forth growth, new life and change. I've learned from you CEO's, five star generals, professors and parents, commitment is unwavering in a battle that is not to be feared, and life is what you make of it.
I have a vision where corporations are utilized once again for the benefit of the public instead of primary vehicles for profit and market dominance. I believe the impetus for incorporating was to tackle seemingly impossible feats like building bridges and national infrastructures, possibly before the over arching law and interest that profits be the main focus. I could be wrong but wouldn't it be better?
Living is getting harder, though the rules remain the same. The use of terrorism has been employed and developing since the creation of a majority yielded a disenfranchised minority. And along with the first use of bombs and knowledge of pyrotechnics, came the development of chemical and biological warfare, still being invested in by the U.S. military industrial complex. Competing and winning has come with high costs. But I was told: "All is fair in love and war."
But, now the world is waking up to dominance and control and the ability of conflict resolution to solve issues that no amount of power has been able to accomplish. I argue that we need less control and dominance, and more self control and commitment. This will be the way to regain our freedom.
So to answer your question, "Why can't America fight back against all it's enemies?" Because protests are starved and squelched of their meaning and wisdom for fear of change. Instead of hearing and implementing the ideas, fear of losing control of an economic world power created "enemies" among and within the U.S.
And the points and lessons of the time...that economic warfare was a no win solution...was lost. Among this loss was also much of the idealism that create and organize great nations.
If you look at life only as a competition, there are just too many people competing for less resources, less power, and less control. And don't forget the need and want of freedom. Competition is a part of life, but it serves to separate the better from the best.
With the "US" the Banks Can Too
Now that the practice of capitalist competition has been permitted to continue, simply because another economic system that would protect, ensure and serve individual and economic rights was not fully realized, we find ourselves faced again with similar issues. Oppression leading to depression with drugs permitting the visions to become disillusions. If we aren't careful, today's need and use of pharmaceutical drugs could cause just the same thing to happen again. We the people are just waking up from hitting the snooze button on the voice that says "something ain't right" and looking once again for re-enchantment and remembrance that everything is alright.
Because, although the roots we have allowed to grow are deep, from our Federal Reserve banking system and corporate power to genetic patent laws to general fatigue and indifference of our racially and economically divided nation, solutions are always there for those who search.
I disagree with your statement that "...the problem is simple and the solution is complex." The solution is in simply righting the wrongs that have been permitted: We've tied the knot and we can untie it. The problem and solution is then in knowing how and with whom to create new "bonds" with. This is where the leaders and people are needed. Do we continue to trade unfairly or is it time to act fairly. Do we invest in the best defense (offense)? Do we continue trying to legislate and regulate marriage and love? Can we allow ourselves the freedom to find what works for us? Can we police ourselves and prevent the violence better than the police have been permitted to attempt? Can we find our way back to a golden standard and gardens of delight? Can we happily share the fruit of both the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life? And might this lead to peace with all nations and religions alike.
Independence is ours and has always been, but interdependence, between populations, governments and businesses is a key to the comfort, stability, and life that people and nations must share. Furthermore, fiscal and monetary policy adapt quite well, as we have seen with the recent net that was cast for Bear Stearns Company. And even more powerful and subtle are individuals' actions that may further our "local economy" to adapt and thrive in the "new world economy".
The core of what we are dealing with is mind set and ignorance of potentials. There is another way, there always is. Controlling the market and the future of a nation is too much even for the strongest nation in the world. We the people can only control our selves, our actions and the decisions we make with the choices that are presented to us. The future of any nation is in its peoples' hearts.
We are all in this together, let's embrace the these challenges together. Where ecologist and economist find that the terms that represent their interests are the same, and control and competition is no longer the mainstay of the economic ship we wish to sail.
Harold Hardy
Natural Resource Management
Minor in Resource Economics
Indebted Environmentalist
The author and intended recipients are responsible for all things written, thought, believed, or dreamed.
So, it's official I am involved. Still innocent, I plan to see the steps that would prove my self guilty and lead to an end that is worthy of beginning.
I am just excited to be bridging some ideas really. I was happy to gently tell a CEO of a Delaware building / development company (1.) He is not all right and (2.) I want to talk more about business and less about politics.
It started when I read last Saturday's paper, today. The Comments section had Delaware Voice Stephen Mockbee, president and CEO of Bancroft Construction Co., inquire Why can't America fight back against all of its enemies?
Seen online here: http://www.delawareonline.com/
My reply to the News Journal and Mockbee was maybe lengthy but I sent them both a copy. I wanted to pay my respects and give fair notice that a public retort was on its way, as well as the provide the newspaper a chance to publish some good news.
So I'll also publish it my self just in case the weird weather of Delaware blows it by, and so that you may read it here with a little more ease of vision.
Yes We Can?
In regards to Stephen Mockbee's question this past weekend: "Why can't America fight back against all its enemies?" I'll just quote one of my father's last songs, "It ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun"; a statement to his friends and public that would hit home without out no collateral damage.
We are a nation that is divided from within with Americans in opposition to America and confusion on what being an American means. We Americans have also opposed any other power by default and to the point of creating our own enemies through our economic strength, military might and stubbornness that the U.S. is the "best country in America" a direct quote from one of the only times I went to a rodeo.
It's my contention that the goal is not to be the strongest nation but simply to be a nation. One where prosperity is obtainable and fear is again the only thing to fear.
Mockbee argues justly to "...Wake up..." but got many other points misdirected and off base. The war on terrorism does have an end in sight: Exactly the moment when the opposition sits at the table, to be heard and considered equally along with the majority.
Mockbee also used the word control fifteen times: Control of corporations, resources, economies, religion, destiny, even world control. This level of control is possible but is this really what is desired? The amount of sacrifice is just too high. Include the gambles we take with Iraq and any battle: economic stability, future economies, land, resources, lives, education and vision, a price I for one am not willing to pay. These things we sacrifices in the name of control or power are our partners. We invest in foreign markets, share common interest in undeveloped renewable resources, calculate potential interests in futures, help foreign and domestic children's children, build schools and breath life back into idealism. All partners that help light the path to a world at peace.
Basing policy on vision is another of Mockbee's points. But that's what leaders are supposed to do. We already have a policy with vision, the Constitution!
But, if the vision is unclear, listen to the supposed opposition and help to non violently and without hostility, takeover the reigns of the ships that once sailed away from taxation without representation to a place where freedoms may thrive. And do this before all those who disagree with the current spending on war and subsidies find it necessary to leave and thereby create a new tax base in other lands.
When atrocities occur, see how they relate to our policy. Do we want to continue to promote our way of life as millions more take the same path and "rise" to our way of life and standard of living?
I for one am interested in weathering this storm. I believe it will bring forth growth, new life and change. I've learned from you CEO's, five star generals, professors and parents, commitment is unwavering in a battle that is not to be feared, and life is what you make of it.
I have a vision where corporations are utilized once again for the benefit of the public instead of primary vehicles for profit and market dominance. I believe the impetus for incorporating was to tackle seemingly impossible feats like building bridges and national infrastructures, possibly before the over arching law and interest that profits be the main focus. I could be wrong but wouldn't it be better?
Living is getting harder, though the rules remain the same. The use of terrorism has been employed and developing since the creation of a majority yielded a disenfranchised minority. And along with the first use of bombs and knowledge of pyrotechnics, came the development of chemical and biological warfare, still being invested in by the U.S. military industrial complex. Competing and winning has come with high costs. But I was told: "All is fair in love and war."
But, now the world is waking up to dominance and control and the ability of conflict resolution to solve issues that no amount of power has been able to accomplish. I argue that we need less control and dominance, and more self control and commitment. This will be the way to regain our freedom.
So to answer your question, "Why can't America fight back against all it's enemies?" Because protests are starved and squelched of their meaning and wisdom for fear of change. Instead of hearing and implementing the ideas, fear of losing control of an economic world power created "enemies" among and within the U.S.
And the points and lessons of the time...that economic warfare was a no win solution...was lost. Among this loss was also much of the idealism that create and organize great nations.
If you look at life only as a competition, there are just too many people competing for less resources, less power, and less control. And don't forget the need and want of freedom. Competition is a part of life, but it serves to separate the better from the best.
With the "US" the Banks Can Too
Now that the practice of capitalist competition has been permitted to continue, simply because another economic system that would protect, ensure and serve individual and economic rights was not fully realized, we find ourselves faced again with similar issues. Oppression leading to depression with drugs permitting the visions to become disillusions. If we aren't careful, today's need and use of pharmaceutical drugs could cause just the same thing to happen again. We the people are just waking up from hitting the snooze button on the voice that says "something ain't right" and looking once again for re-enchantment and remembrance that everything is alright.
Because, although the roots we have allowed to grow are deep, from our Federal Reserve banking system and corporate power to genetic patent laws to general fatigue and indifference of our racially and economically divided nation, solutions are always there for those who search.
I disagree with your statement that "...the problem is simple and the solution is complex." The solution is in simply righting the wrongs that have been permitted: We've tied the knot and we can untie it. The problem and solution is then in knowing how and with whom to create new "bonds" with. This is where the leaders and people are needed. Do we continue to trade unfairly or is it time to act fairly. Do we invest in the best defense (offense)? Do we continue trying to legislate and regulate marriage and love? Can we allow ourselves the freedom to find what works for us? Can we police ourselves and prevent the violence better than the police have been permitted to attempt? Can we find our way back to a golden standard and gardens of delight? Can we happily share the fruit of both the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life? And might this lead to peace with all nations and religions alike.
Independence is ours and has always been, but interdependence, between populations, governments and businesses is a key to the comfort, stability, and life that people and nations must share. Furthermore, fiscal and monetary policy adapt quite well, as we have seen with the recent net that was cast for Bear Stearns Company. And even more powerful and subtle are individuals' actions that may further our "local economy" to adapt and thrive in the "new world economy".
The core of what we are dealing with is mind set and ignorance of potentials. There is another way, there always is. Controlling the market and the future of a nation is too much even for the strongest nation in the world. We the people can only control our selves, our actions and the decisions we make with the choices that are presented to us. The future of any nation is in its peoples' hearts.
We are all in this together, let's embrace the these challenges together. Where ecologist and economist find that the terms that represent their interests are the same, and control and competition is no longer the mainstay of the economic ship we wish to sail.
Harold Hardy
Natural Resource Management
Minor in Resource Economics
Indebted Environmentalist
The author and intended recipients are responsible for all things written, thought, believed, or dreamed.
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