23 February 2008

Intranet Paths

Blogs are dane-jer-ou! Can you tell the words I mean? Is IT lost entranslation? I'm intending all spelling mistakes now for those who try to read between the lines

begin at the beginning

but for those who try to see mean-ing. Read the words.

This is an attempt, and beginning at building the interest for intra-net service that requires no service. No bulky hardware and little in the way of reality.

With software can repare itself
and signals find a way
at some frequency or intensity
There you'll find elasticity.

The web is designed as everything else. IN nature there are rules and physics is the beginning and end for physical understanding of the world. MEta Physics is after physics as Aristotle's assistant intended as well as after Aristotle himself.

Cosmology and microscopy is within both physics and metaphysics although the rules are a little better understood for physics, but still constantly changing with relativity to perspective (do I need to cite this?).

WIth Metaphysics the relationship between those objects is now what is being defined and observed, constructed and constrained.

So with treatment to the dang-er-ue internet. Join the intranet world with a lighter touch and more time to discuss the way we want to go, the changes that we are hopeful for and the paths we are already on to get there.


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