17 May 2008

Public Works and Corporations: Hum a little tune for me to hear.

If I understand correctly, Public Works like we have in all cities and governments, is the original interest of the necessity of Corporations. The use of public money that is non-repayable to build economic prosperity for the benefit of the physical economy.

A danger to this is in the utilization of the power to compete with it's mirrored selves (other countries) as well as the other nation states that prefer to play by their own rules, or at least not by ours. This is the economic competition we've seen for all of history: It's the strength and weakness of the system. You have to play to Win, but play by the rules and you lose.

For the US it has been yet another twist and layer: Escaping the taxes from Great Britain Kingdom of "Public Works" and taxation without representation, to build our own nation revealed what we don't want but still disallowed us to achieve what we want. We have what we need though. Jack of The White Stripes sings of the Seven Nation Army, where I imagine the economy and relations of the native Americans included seven nations which cooperated in order to successfully continue to evolve. These Seven Nations still have something to teach US even if Franklin was unable to sway the public to follow the advice of their Great Law. Namely, final action decided by a council of elder women, and mutual agreements between the seven nations that no action would be done that hurts any of the other. Sited Arkhom and the Geometries of Destiny in the North.

To the remaining natives I can see and agree that, outside forces are only natural. Acceptance accepted the forced change, not without resistance but without understanding. This acceptance is similar to the eastern belief in spirit and nature as having a life similar and related to our own, worth dying for and worth living for. And the stronger power either moves in or passes through.

Today we have come again full circle to understand that our existence is as dynamic as the earth is round and our travels are spirals. The parallels I draw sometimes cross at a point, run between concepts that are completely understood by few and affected by many. I do claim to understand completely, only theoretically and sometimes applicably, usually only momentarily. Still, I understand that my need to figure out what I am doing here is more important than figuring out what you are doing to me, or not. May be the first level of change, may be the last. But the I Ching says the same things my computer tells me: Processing, username, login, settings, sign out. I say stay tuned.


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