Chain of Weak Links, Physical Properties of Life, and the Web We Weave
We weave a web of life, and to me life is intelligence.
"A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link."
Laws of Physics rule our hearts and minds.
Society is a web of chains that we must focus on. The weakest links are those who have been passed over, rejected or left unaffected. We are all teachers as well as students in life. It does not matter how much technology, intelligence, or economic strength our society is capable of. If the weakest link breaks down we have lost our ability to continue one of the best human characteristics: humaness. Being human means we have consideration for our fellow humans, as well as respect and understanding of our surroundings and the implications and ramifications of our actions. So teachers: Turn the world on! Spark the minds and don't force too much order: We naturally gravitate towards the safety and beauty of intelligent order.
So the point to take from this thought is that we, as individuals, must work to help ourselves out of our problems, must work to take care of ourselves. We don't say these things everyday for naught. Put your oxygen mask on first and then breathe. Help others and then you will find a higher level of utility that is not attainable by working alone. Have you not found that the harder you try the more resistance you find?
I pose the problems that society faces can be identified by a few ideas: corruption, fear or hatred of others, greed, and ignorance. Though these may be large factors they are surmountable with tools that we have used for many years. Solutions lay in our brains and hearts, as well as our gut and hands. We have the tools. Let's get to work!
Take care of yourself.
Help yourself.
Help others.
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